Monday 12 February 2018

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EASY CONSEQUENCES: He drank 6 liters of carbonated drinks a day, here's what happened to his teeth!

By: ExtraFunnyPicture On: 07:00
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  • One young man will surely regret that he drank six liters of coke a day. The dependence on carbonated drinks cost him a lot.

    Michael Sheridan was forced to remove all his teeth because they were completely destroyed. In addition, he suffered severe pains because he was horribly hurt in contact with any food.

    "I was addicted to soda drinks, I drank six liters a day, and often more, and I knew that the dentist would tell me that I had to stop drinking carbonated, so I never went to him, because I could not give up the carbonated one. I knew that I will have to get all my teeth and make new ones, but I could not afford it, "says Michael.

    Michael recreates water polo and accidentally met the dentist David who decided to free his teeth for free.

    "I knew his teeth were a serious threat to his health, he could not chew like normal people and had constant pain." Oral health is extremely important and many do not visit the dentists as much as they should, "said the dentist.

    Michael was taken out of all 27 teeth he had in his jaw, and currently has temporary prosthesis, after which the dentist will install implants.

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